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Splendora ISD Transitions Back To School

August 24, 2020


Splendora ISD has successfully returned back to school for the 2020-21 school year. Harrington Trails students are zoned to Splendora ISD, including their new on-site elementary school.

Elementary students were transitioned back with online campus tours that began August 14 and ending with 4th, 5th and 6th grade tour on August 28.  The tours have allowed students to see their classrooms and drop off needed supplies. Student tours are requiring masks and a limit to two adults per student.

As with the tours, the start of school is being staggered to allow teachers and staff to practice safety protocols within a small group setting. Following the guidelines of the Montgomery County Health District (MCHD), Splendora ISD began school on August 17th with the following protocols being used to gradually bring back students who have chosen on-site instruction:

August 17 - 21: PK-1st grade students choosing the on-site model return to campus.

August 24 - 28: PK-3rd grade students choosing the on-site model return to campus.

August 31 - September 4: PK-8th grade students choosing on-site model return to campus.

September 8 - 11: High school students who have chosen on -site learning will transition into a hybrid model.

* Students who have chosen remote model will continue virtual learning.

Splendora ISD has worked diligently to meet the needs of their families and communities. Staggering the start of school and offering families the option of remote learning assists in providing a safe environment for both students and staff.

SOURCE: Splendora ISD

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