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Relax and Enjoy the Community Amenities

Nestled within Harrington Trails are fun amenities for everyone to enjoy.  The community recreation center includes an amenity area, swimming pool, splash pad, community walking paths and a playground area.


Swimming Pool
Swimming Pool
Open Air Pavilion
Open Air Pavilion
Splash Pad
Splash Pad
Walking Paths
Walking Paths








Harrington Trails Master Plan

land plan

All maps and images represented are conceptual and illustrative, should not be relied on for any purpose and are subject to change without notice or liability to any person or party.  The Developer and its affiliates, at its sole discretion and without notice, reserve the right to change and remove any and all elements of the amenities, land uses, development, scale, phasing and timing of construction.  Market conditions and the number of closed homes will determine any amenity timing and final footprint.